Recurse week 1 Intentions

It's the First day of my batch today. We haven't had the kickoff meeting yet but I'm taking some time to set intentions for the week.

This week is inevitably dedicated to figuring things out, and I don't think I should expect to get a lot of programming done, but I do still want to set some goals.

  • Figure out the shape of my days: I'm 6 hours ahead NY time, so core hours fall between 5-11pm. Can I get some work done in the morning? How can I ensure I'm productive in the evening? How do other remote recurses do it?

  • Figure out the shape of the full batch. I have some project ideas, but I'm going back and forth between depth and breadth. I'm hoping that after intro chats and meeting other recurses this week I'll have a better idea of what's possible / realistic.

  • I would still like to get some small project done. A big explicit goal for me is to build shipping muscle, meaning once I set out to do something, finish it, write about it and present it. I would like to have something small and presentable by the end of the week.

A couple of meta concerns I have:

  • How can i make sure I get a healthy amount of movement in? Given the timezone difference, I won't get a lot of time to skate/surf/bmx in the next 6 weeks. I've grabbed a jump rope, yoga mat and some resistance bands to make sure I get some workouts during the day.

  • What's a good ratio of blogging to coding? I want to use blogging as an accountability method, but I know how easy it is to spend way too long on a piece of writing...

On that note, piece of writing done. Time to get to work.

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